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Challenge #1: Health with HIPRA

Updated: Nov 17, 2023

The first BlockchainxODS challenge was done in collaboration with the Catalan pharmaceutical company HIPRA.

The first edition focused on point 3 of these objectives, Health and well-being, and more specifically on goal 3.3: "The end of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, tropical diseases, hepatitis, and other communicable diseases", which therefore covers the fight against epidemics, pandemics and serious diseases that our society is suffering worldwide.

HIPRA, a multinational pharmaceutical company based in Girona, was the partner of the CBCat in this first BlockchainxODS challenge. HIPRA, a reference in the development and production of vaccines and innovative biological products, also develops intelligent vaccination devices and traceability services. The challenge proposed by HIPRA was the following:

Build a blockchain system that allows the traceability of a sample identifying the person unequivocally with Visual Recognition or DNA.

The winning team of this challenge was Innobits, formed by Marta Alfonso Poza, Josep Cid Ariño i Denis Expósito Navarro. All participants received a certificate of participation, as well as a gift from the CBCat, and each of the winners received an iPhone at an awards ceremony attended by various authorities, including David Ferrer, Secretary of Digital Policies, Marta Madrenas, Mayoress of Girona, and Mònia Roca i Aparici, President of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.

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